The Maven Cookbook

10.3. Browsing a Nexus Repository

10.3. Browsing a Nexus Repository

10.3.1. Task

You want to browse the contents of a Nexus repository.

10.3.2. Action

If your Nexus repository is a proxy repository, you will have two browsing tabs available: Browse Storage and Browse Index. If your Nexus repository is a hosted repository, you will only see the Browse Storage option, and if you are browsing a repository group, you will see both Browse Storage and Browse Index.

The Browse Storage tab shown in Figure 10.6, “Browsing Repository Storage”, allows you to see the artifacts that available available in the local disk storage associated with a repostiory. If you are browsing a hosted repository, the storage contains the entire repository. If you are browsing a proxy repository, the Browse Storage tab will display only the artifacts that have been referenced, downloaded, and cached by Nexus.

Browsing Repository Storage

Figure 10.6. Browsing Repository Storage

If you are browsing a proxy repository and you have configured Nexus to download the remote repository index, you will be able to browse the entire repository in the Browse Index tab as shown in Figure 10.7, “Crowd Menu Link under the Security Section of the Nexus Menu”.

Crowd Menu Link under the Security Section of the Nexus Menu

Figure 10.7. Crowd Menu Link under the Security Section of the Nexus Menu