Maven: The Complete Reference
   - 8.2. Assembly Basics

8.2. Assembly Basics

Before we go any further, it’s best to take a minute and talk about the two main goals in the Assembly plugin: assembly:assembly, and the single mojo. I list these two goals in different ways because it reflects the difference in how they’re used. The assembly:assembly goal is designed to be invoked directly from the command line, and should never be bound to a build lifecycle phase. In contrast, the single mojo is designed to be a part of your everyday build, and should be bound to a phase in your project’s build lifecycle.

The main reason for this difference is that the assembly:assembly goal is what Maven terms an aggregator mojo; that is, a mojo which is designed to run at most once in a build, regardless of how many projects are being built. It draws its configuration from the root project - usually the top-level POM or the command line. When bound to a lifecycle, an aggregator mojo can have some nasty side-effects. It can force the execution of the package lifecycle phase to execute ahead of time, and can result in builds which end up executing the package phase twice.

Because the assembly:assembly goal is an aggregator mojo, it raises some issues in multi-module Maven builds, and it should only be called as a stand-alone mojo from the command-line. Never bind an assembly:assembly execution to a lifecycle phase. assembly:assembly was the original goal in the Assembly plugin, and was never designed to be part of the standard build process for a project. As it became clear that assembly archives were a legitimate requirement for projects to produce, the single mojo was developed. This mojo assumes that it has been bound to the correct part of the build process, so that it will have access to the project files and artifacts it needs to execute within the lifecycle of a large multi-module Maven project. In a multi-module environment, it will execute as many times as it is bound to the different module POMs. Unlike assembly:assembly, single will never force the execution of another lifecycle phase ahead of itself.

The Assembly plugin provides several other goals in addition to these two. However, discussion of these other mojos is beyond the scope of this chapter, because they serve exotic or obsolete use cases, and because they are almost never needed. Whenever possible, you should definitely stick to using assembly:assembly for assemblies generated from the command line, and to single for assemblies bound to lifecycle phases.

8.2.1. Predefined Assembly Descriptors

While many people opt to create their own archive recipes - called assembly descriptors - this isn’t strictly necessary. The Assembly plugin provides built-in descriptors for several common archive types that you can use immediately without writing a line of configuration. The following assembly descriptors are predefined in the Maven Assembly plugin:

The bin descriptor is used to bundle project LICENSE, README, and NOTICE files with the project’s main artifact, assuming this project builds a jar as its main artifact. Think of this as the smallest possible binary distribution for completely self-contained projects.
The jar-with-dependencies descriptor builds a JAR archive with the contents of the main project jar along with the unpacked contents of all the project’s runtime dependencies. Coupled with an appropriate Main-Class Manifest entry (discussed in “Plugin Configuration” below), this descriptor can produce a self-contained, executable jar for your project, even if the project has dependencies.
The project descriptor simply archives the project directory structure as it exists in your file-system and, most likely, in your version control system. Of course, the target directory is omitted, as are any version-control metadata files like the CVS and .svn directories we’re all used to seeing. Basically, the point of this descriptor is to create a project archive that, when unpacked, can be built using Maven.
The src descriptor produces an archive of your project source and pom.xml files, along with any LICENSE, README, and NOTICE files that are in the project’s root directory. This precursor to the project descriptor produces an archive that can be built by Maven in most cases. However, because of its assumption that all source files and resources reside in the standard src directory, it has the potential to leave out non-standard directories and files that are nonetheless critical to some builds.

8.2.2. Building an Assembly

The Assembly plugin can be executed in two ways: you can invoke it directly from the command line, or you can configure it as part of your standard build process by binding it to a phase of your project’s build lifecycle. Direct invocation has its uses, particularly for one-off assemblies that are not considered part of your project’s core deliverables. In most cases, you’ll probably want to generate the assemblies for your project as part of its standard build process. Doing this has the effect of including your custom assemblies whenever the project is installed or deployed into Maven’s repositories, so they are always available to your users.

As an example of the direct invocation of the Assembly plugin, imagine that you wanted to ship off a copy of your project which people could build from source. Instead of just deploying the end-product of the build, you wanted to include the source as well. You won’t need to do this often, so it doesn’t make sense to add the configuration to your POM. Instead, you can use the following command:

$ mvn -DdescriptorId=project assembly:single
[INFO] [assembly:single]
[INFO] Building tar : /Users/~/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/direct-invocation/\
[INFO] Building tar : /Users/~/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/direct-invocation/\
[INFO] Building zip: /Users/~/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/direct-invocation/\

Imagine you want to produce an executable JAR from your project. If your project is totally self-contained with no dependencies, this can be achieved with the main project artifact using the archive configuration of the JAR plugin. However, most projects have dependencies, and those dependencies must be incorporated in any executable JAR. In this case, you want to make sure that every time the main project JAR is installed or deployed, your executable JAR goes along with it.

Assuming the main class for the project is org.sonatype.mavenbook.App, the following POM configuration will create an executable JAR:

Assembly Descriptor for Executable JAR. 

<project xmlns=""

    <name>Assemblies Executable Jar Example</name>

There are two things to notice about the configuration above. First, we’re using the descriptorRefs configuration section instead of the descriptorId parameter we used last time. This allows multiple assembly types to be built from the same Assembly plugin execution, while still supporting our use case with relatively little extra configuration. Second, the archive element under configuration sets the Main-Class manifest attribute in the generated JAR. This section is commonly available in plugins that create JAR files, such as the JAR plugin used for the default project package type.

Now, you can produce the executable JAR simply by executing mvn package. Afterward, we’ll also get a directory listing for the target directory, just to verify that the executable JAR was generated. Finally, just to prove that we actually do have an executable JAR, we’ll try executing it:

$ mvn package
... (output omitted) ...
[INFO] [jar:jar]
[INFO] Building jar: ~/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/executable-jar/target/\
[INFO] [assembly:single {execution: create-executable-jar}]
[INFO] Processing DependencySet (output=)
[INFO] Building jar: ~/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/executable-jar/target/\
... (output omitted) ...
$ ls -1 target
... (output omitted) ...
... (output omitted) ...
$ java -jar \
Hello, World!

From the output shown above, you can see that the normal project build now produces a new artifact in addition to the main JAR file. The new one has a classifier of jar-with-dependencies. Finally, we verified that the new JAR actually is executable, and that executing the JAR produced the desired output of “Hello, World!”

8.2.3. Assemblies as Dependencies

When you generate assemblies as part of your normal build process, those assembly archives will be attached to your main project’s artifact. This means they will be installed and deployed alongside the main artifact, and are then resolvable in much the same way. Each assembly artifact is given the same basic coordinates (groupId, artifactId, and version) as the main project. However, these artifacts are attachments, which in Maven means they are derivative works based on some aspect of the main project build. To provide a couple of examples, source assemblies contain the raw inputs for the project build, and jar-with-dependencies assemblies contain the project’s classes plus its dependencies. Attached artifacts are allowed to circumvent the Maven requirement of one project, one artifact precisely because of this derivative quality.

Since assemblies are (normally) attached artifacts, each must have a classifier to distinguish it from the main artifact, in addition to the normal artifact coordinates. By default, the classifier is the same as the assembly descriptor’s identifier. When using the built-in assembly descriptors, as above, the assembly descriptor’s identifier is generally also the same as the identifier used in the descriptorRef for that type of assembly.

Once you’ve deployed an assembly alongside your main project artifact, how can you use that assembly as a dependency in another project? The answer is fairly straightforward. Projects depend on other projects using a combination of four basic elements, referred to as a project’s coordinates: groupId, artifactId, version, and packaging. In Section 5.5.3, “Platform Classifiers”, multiple platform-specific variants of a project’s artifact are available, and the project specifies a classifier element with a value of either win or linux to select the appropriate dependency artifact for the target platform. Assembly artifacts can be used as dependencies using the required coordinates of a project plus the classifier under which the assembly was installed or deployed. If the assembly is not a JAR archive, we also need to declare its type.

8.2.4. Assembling Assemblies via Assembly Dependencies

Configuring the project assembly in top-level POM. 


Each project POM references the managed plugin configuration from Configuring the project assembly in top-level POM using a minimal plugin declaration in its build section shown in Activating the Assembly Plugin Configuration in Child Projects.

Activating the Assembly Plugin Configuration in Child Projects. 


To produce the set of project assemblies, run mvn install from the top-level directory. You should see Maven installing artifacts with classifiers in your local repository.

$ mvn install
Installing ~/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/as-dependencies/project-parent/\
second-project/target/second-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT-project.tar.gz to
Installing ~/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/as-dependencies/project-parent/\
second-project/target/second-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT-project.tar.bz2 to
Installing ~/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/as-dependencies/project-parent/\
second-project/target/ to

When you run install, Maven will copy each project’s main artifact and each assembly to your local Maven repository. All of these artifacts are now available for reference as dependencies in other projects locally. If your ultimate goal is to create a bundle which includes assemblies from multiple projects, you can do so by creating another project which will include other project’s assemblies as dependencies. This bundling project (aptly named project-bundle) is responsible for creating the bundled assembly. The POM for the bundling project would resemble the XML document listed in POM for the Assembly Bundling Project.

POM for the Assembly Bundling Project. 

<project xmlns=""
    <name>Assemblies-as-Dependencies Example Project Bundle</name>

This bundling project’s POM references the two assemblies from first-project and second-project. Instead of referencing the main artifact of each project, the bundling project’s POM specifies a classifier of project and a type of zip. This tells Maven to resolve the ZIP archive which was created by the project assembly. Note that the bundling project generates a jar-with-dependencies assembly. jar-with-dependencies does not create a particularly elegant bundle, it simply creates a JAR file with the unpacked contents of all of the dependencies. jar-with-dependencies is really just telling Maven to take all of the dependencies, unpack them, and then create a single archive which includes the output of the current project. In this project, it has the effect of creating a single JAR file that puts the two project assemblies from first-project and second-project side-by-side.

This example illustrates how the basic capabilities of the Maven Assembly plugin can be combined without the need for a custom assembly descriptor. It achieves the purpose of creating a single archive that contains the project directories for multiple projects side-by-side. This time, the jar-with-dependencies is just a storage format, so we don’t need to specify a Main-Class manifest attribute. To build the bundle, we just build the project-bundle project normally:

$ mvn package
[INFO] [assembly:single {execution: bundle-project-sources}]
[INFO] Processing DependencySet (output=)
[INFO] Building jar: ~/downloads/mvn-examples-1.0/assemblies/as-dependencies/\

To verify that the project-bundle assembly contains the unpacked contents of the assembly dependencies, run jar tf:

$ jar tf \

After reading this section, the title should make more sense. You’ve assembled assemblies from two projects into an assembly using a bundling project which has a dependency on each of the assemblies.

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