Documentation Nexus IQ Server 1.33

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17.3. Adding the IQ Analysis Task

So now it’s time to put everything you did to install and configure Nexus IQ for Bamboo to good use, and add an IQ Analysis Task.

The IQ Analysis Task is available once you’ve installed and configured Nexus IQ for Bamboo. The following steps will walk you through adding this new task to a job.

  1. After navigating into a Bamboo Project > Plan > Stage > and then Job, click on the Add task button.

  2. A modal will display offering a list of Task Types. The IQ Analysis Task is listed in the Test type, or you can simply use search.

  3. Enter the following information:

    Task Description
    A simple description to remember what the task does.
    The list of Applications corresponds to the account used during Nexus IQ for Bamboo configuration. Remember, this is the Application containing the policies that components in the build will be evaluated against.
    Fail build when IQ Server is unable to evaluate

    Check this option if you want to fail the build when an IQ evaluation can’t be performed. Once checked, if for any reason the evaluation is not generated, the build will be failed. An example of this might be if the IQ Server is inaccessible. In the same example, but where the Fail the build option is left unchecked, the build would continue as it would have normally.


    In any case where the IQ Server is unable to evaluate an application, details are provided in the job/build-specific log.

    This corresponds to the stage you wish the policy evaluation of the application/project to be run against. Additionally, this will correspond to the stage location when viewing report information via the IQ Server. For example, if you chose the Build stage, summary and dashboard violation results will be displayed accordingly.
    Scan Targets
    The scan targets setting allows you to control which files should be examined with an Apache Ant styled pattern. The pattern is relative to the project workspace root directory and inherits the global configuration.
    Module Excludes
    If you are using the Sonatype CLM for Maven plugin, module files are created, and can contribute to results found during an evaluation. For information on how to exclude these files, please see the Excluding Module Information Files in Continuous Integration Tools of the Sonatype CLM for Maven chapter.
  4. Click the Save button.
