Documentation Nexus IQ Server 1.24

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8.11. Moving an Application

At some point, you may want to move an application to a different organization. When moving an application, it’s not just the entity that moves, but also its configuration (i.e. policies, component labels, and waivers). If the application has any local configuration settings, those settings are unaffected and remain unchanged by a move. However, if the application has inherited any organization-level configuration, there is the potential for incompatibility between the application’s source organization and the destination organization.

During a move, IQ Server compares the configuration of the source organization to the destination organization, and looks for matches by name. If the destination has configuration settings that match all of the source’s configuration, then the application’s parent reference is changed to the destination organization. If the source configuration is not matched in entirety, then IQ Server displays an error message with information about the missing configuration in the destination organization. You need to fix any discrepancy to ensure the source configuration is matched in the destination.

To move an application:

  1. Make sure you have permission to modify the application in its original parent organization and permission to create applications in the destination organization.
  2. Click the Organization & Policies icon figs/web/clm-server-manage-app-org-icon.png on the IQ Server toolbar.
  3. Select an application in the sidebar.
  4. Go to the Actions menu and click Move <application name>.
  5. In the Move Application dialog, select an organization from the New Parent Organization list and click Update. A Success message is displayed. If you get an error instead, the message lists the configuration discrepancies between the source and destination organizations that need to be resolved before the application can be moved.

Figure 8.9. Moving an Application


The user who moves an application is assigned to the Owner role for the moved application. After a move, you may want to review user role assignments and notification settings, and adjust them as desired.