Maven: The Complete Reference
   - 1. Acknowledgements

1. Acknowledgements

Sonatype would like to thank the following contributors. The people listed below have provided feedback which has helped improve the quality of this book. Thanks to Raymond Toal, Steve Daly, Paul Strack, Paul Reinerfelt, Chad Gorshing, Marcus Biel, Brian Dols, Mangalaganesh Balasubramanian, Marius Kruger, and Mark Stewart. Special thanks to Joel Costigliola for helping to debug and correct the Spring web chapter. Stan Guillory was practically a contributing author given the number of corrections he posted to the book’s Get Satisfaction. Thank you Stan. Special thanks to Richard Coasby of Bamboo for acting as the provisional grammar consultant.

Thanks to our contributing authors including Eric Redmond.

Thanks to the following contributors who reported errors either in an email or using the Get Satisfaction site: Paco Soberón, Ray Krueger, Steinar Cook, Henning Saul, Anders Hammar, "george_007", "ksangani", Niko Mahle, Arun Kumar, Harold Shinsato, "mimil", "-thrawn-", Matt Gumbley. If you see your Get Satisfaction username in this list, and you would like it replaced with your real name, send an email to

Special thanks to Grant Birchmeier for taking the time to proofread portions of the book and file extremely detailed feedback via GetSatisfaction.

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