Documentation Nexus IQ Server 1.23

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20.1. Installation

As mentioned in the introduction there are a few things that must be done prior to getting the Sonatype CLM for SonarQube functional. This includes:

  • Installed and configured the Sonatype CLM Server
  • Created an organization, and at least one application
  • Evaluated the application at least once
  • Have an existing SonarQube project

With these items completed, you can download Sonatype CLM for SonarQube from our Sonatype CLM downloads page.


Sonatype CLM for SonarQube supports the latest and LTS (long-term-support) versions.

Once downloaded, find the extensions>plugins directory in your installation of SonarQube. Next, copy the Sonatype CLM for SonarQube JAR file (the one just downloaded from the link above) into this directory. Finally, start your SonarQube instance, and log in with your administrator account.


Figure 20.2. SonarQube Plugin Directory


If your installation of SonarQube is running, stop it before adding the plugin.