Maven: The Complete Reference
   - 5.1. What Are They For?

5.1. What Are They For?

Profiles allow for the ability to customize a particular build for a particular environment; profiles enable portability between different build environments.

What do we mean by different build environments? Two example build environments are production and development. When you are working in a development environment, your system might be configured to read from a development database instance running on your local machine while in production, your system is configured to read from the production database. Maven allows you to define any number of build environments (build profiles) which can override any of the settings in the pom.xml. You could configure your application to read from your local, development instance of a database in your "development" profile, and you can configure it to read from the production database in the "production" profile. Profiles can also be activated by the environment and platform, you can customize a build to run differently depending the Operating System or the installed JDK version. Before we talk about using and configuring Maven profiles, we need to define the concept of Build Portability.

5.1.1. What is Build Portability

A build’s "portability" is a measure of how easy it is to take a particular project and build it in different environments. A build which works without any custom configuration or customization of properties files is more portable than a build which requires a great deal of work to build from scratch. The most portable projects tend to be widely used open source projects like Apache Commons or Apache Velocity which ship with Maven builds which require little or no customization. Put simply, the most portable project builds tend to just work, out of the box, and the least portable builds require you to jump through hoops and configure platform specific paths to locate build tools. Before we show you how to achieve build portability, let’s survey the different kinds of portability we are talking about.

Non-Portable Builds

The lack of portability is exactly what all build tools are made to prevent - however, any tool can be configured to be non-portable (even Maven). A non-portable project is buildable only under a specific set of circumstances and criteria (e.g., your local machine). Unless you are working by yourself and you have no plans on ever deploying your application to another machine, it is best to avoid non-portability entirely. A non-portable build only runs on a single machine, it is a "one-off". Maven is designed to discourage non-portable builds by offering the ability to customize builds using profiles.

When a new developer gets the source for a non-portable project, they will not be able to build the project without rewriting large portions of a build script.

Environment Portability

A build exhibits environment portability if it has a mechanism for customizing behavior and configuration when targeting different environments. A project that contains a reference to a test database in a test environment, for example, and a production database in a production environment, is environmentally portable. It is likely that this build has a different set of properties for each environment. When you move to a different environment, one that is not defined and has no profile created for it, the project will not work. Hence, it is only portable between defined environments.

When a new developer gets the source for an environmentally portable project, they will have to run the build within a defined environment or they will have to create a custom environment to successfully build the project.

Organizational (In-House) Portability

The center of this level of portability is a project’s requirement that only a select few may access internal resources such as source control or an internally-maintained Maven repository. A project at a large corporation may depend on a database available only to in-house developers, or an open source project might require a specific level of credentials to publish a web site and deploy the products of a build to a public repository.

If you attempt to build an in-house project from scratch outside of the in-house network (for example, outside of a corporate firewall), the build will fail. It may fail because certain required custom plugins are unavailable, or project dependencies cannot be found because you don’t have the appropriate credentials to retrieve dependencies from a custom remote repository. Such a project is portable only across environments in a single organization.

Wide (Universal) Portability

Anyone may download a widely portable project’s source, compile, and install it without customizing a build for a specific environment. This is the highest level of portability; anything less requires extra work for those who wish to build your project. This level of portability is especially important for open source projects, which depend on the ability for would-be contributors to easily download and build from source.

Any developer could download the source for a widely portable project.

5.1.2. Selecting an Appropriate Level of Portability

Clearly, you’ll want to avoid creating the worst-case scenario: the non-portable build. You may have had the misfortune to work or study at an organization that had critical applications with non-portable builds. In such organizations, you cannot deploy an application without the help of a specific individual on a specific machine. In such an organization, it is also very difficult to introduce new project dependencies or changes without coordinating the change with the single person who maintains such a non-portable build. Non-portable builds tend to grow in highly political environments when one individual or group needs to exert control over how and when a project is built and deployed. "How do we build the system? Oh, we’ve got to call Jack and ask him to build it for us, no one else deploys to production." That is a dangerous situation which is more common that you would think. If you work for this organization, Maven and Maven profiles provide a way out of this mess.

On the opposite end of the portability spectrum are widely portable builds. Widely portable builds are generally the most difficult build systems to attain. These builds restrict your dependencies to those projects and tools that may be freely distributed and are publicly available. Many commercial software packages might be excluded from the most-portable builds because they cannot be downloaded before you have accepted a certain license. Wide portability also restricts dependencies to those pieces of software that may be distributed as Maven artifacts. For example, if you depend upon Oracle JDBC drivers, your users will have to download and install them manually; this is not widely portable as you will have to distribute a set of environment setup instructions for people interested in building your application. On the other hand, you could use a JDBC driver which is available from the public Maven repositories like MySQL or HSQLDB.

As stated previously, open source projects benefit from having the most widely portable build possible. Widely portable builds reduce the inefficiencies associated with contributing to a project. In an open source project (such as Maven) there are two distinct groups: end-users and developers. When an end-user uses a project like Maven and decides to contribute a patch to Maven, they have to make the transition from using the output of a build to running a build. They have to first become a developer, and if it is difficult to learn how to build a project, this end-user has a disincentive to take the time to contribute to a project. In a widely portable project, an end-user doesn’t have to follow a set of arcane build instructions to start becoming a developer, they can download the source, modify the source, build, and submit a contribution without asking someone to help them set up a build environment. When the cost of contributing source back to an open-source project is lower, you’ll see an increase in source code contributions, especially casual contributions which can make the difference between a project’s success and a project’s failure. One side-effect of Maven’s adoption across a wide group of open source projects is that it has made it easier for developers to contribute code to various open source projects.

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